Indie Week 2009

The 9th Annual Independents Week is drawing to a close, but you still have a few days to show your support for the store. Here's how it works:

"Rainy Day Books in Fairway, Kans., and, a book blog recently launched by Abraham Associates publishers rep John Mesjak, are teaming together to celebrate independent bookstores with a contest in which all participants “pay it forward.” Independent bookstore patrons, publishers, sales reps, booksellers, book reviewers, authors, or -- as the co-sponsors declare in their press release announcing this contest -- “anyone who is an open champion of independent booksellers” may nominate their favorite independent bookstore for one of five prizes – an autographed set of the four books in Stephenie Meyer’s best-selling Twilight series.

Anyone nominating their favorite bookstore for these prizes must tweet the name of the bookstore and an explanation for why it’s their favorite bookstore to either @RainyDay or @mesjak, with the hashtag RDB714. Entries must be received by midnight, July 14, and will be judged on three criteria: 'fervor of support, how they might "pay it forward," and overall spirit.'"
-from Publisher's Weekly, 7/7/09

We'd love it if you'd tweet for us!


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